Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Random Adorableness from my two Little Munchkins

As crazy as they sometimes make me, I love my beautiful little munchkins! They say and do the cutest things possible, that do nothing more than melt this mother's heart. Cases in point:

1. Shaela was 'talking' on her toy cell phone the other day - to none other than her latest 'crush' - Diego! She rambled on for a few minutes, and then said, "Bye, bye, Diego" and hung up. Cutest thing ever!

2. Xavier loves to have his back rubbed and has been asking lately at bedtime for me to do this while we read stories. Then the other night, he flips over and says, "Do my tummy too, Mom". How could I refuse???

3. While over at my mother-in-law's house for supper the other night, Xavier got out a toy snake, wrapped it around my legs and dragged me off to the high tower where I had to stay. I was guarded by a dragon, which Daddy had to slay to rescue me. Then Xavier and I went dragon hunting together. I love that his imagination is starting to run wild!

4. Shaela asking me for a wipe so she could clean her baby's bum after it had 'pooped'. She's such a little Mom already!

And this last one takes the cake! While doing devotions with the kids before bed the other night, the bible story that day was about being thankful and all the ways God blesses us. At the end of the story, there are always a few simple questions, and that day's question was, "What can we thank God for?" Xavier's answer??? Mom and Dad. Melted my heart and made me realize just how much of what we read with them each night sinks in. They don't always sit quietly and pay as much attention to our stories as I would like - but when you hear an answer like that, it just makes you realize the impact that you can have on them, even at such a young age! I love my life as a Mom, and wouldn't change it for the world!
Xavier and Shaela - you make me smile! :)

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