Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Cohen's 4 Month Update

Our baby boy is now 4 months old. Time flies! He's actually about 4 and a half months now, but I wanted to wait until we'd had his check up so I knew how much he weighed and how long he was. We went yesterday afternoon at 2:30 pm. Xavier had his four year check up and booster shot as well. It was pretty funny - we started with him and he was pretending to be a robot, so our pediatrician played along and checked out all his robot parts. He sat nice and still for his shot and he is now 44 lbs and 43 inches. He's a tall boy!

Next it was Cohen's turn. He was a bit fussy since he hadn't napped for me at all like he usually does. He cried a little getting weighed and measured - he is 15 lbs and 26 inches. Then he calmed down a bit and it was time for his shots. He GIGGLED after the first one. That was a first for me - never had a baby giggle after a shot before! Then came the second one and he WAILED! And kept on wailing. He also had a poopy diaper, which I had to change while he was wailing. That didn't help the situation. Thankfully he calmed down while I was scheduling his next appointment and fell asleep on the way home. Today he's had a slight fever and is a bit cranky again, but nothing that a little Tylenol and a nice long nap this afternoon haven't cured.

What is he up to now that he's four months? Well, he's found his hands and will reach for toys around and in front of him. He also found his toes a few weeks ago and loves to suck on them while I change his bum. He is still a very happy baby and so content it's not even funny. He was super talkative until about two weeks ago when he realized that his hands make great chew toys. Now he hardly takes them out of his mouth while he's awake! I would say it's teething - and it's probably related to that - but Xavier also did the same thing at this age and we kept saying, "He's teething. He's teething." He didn't get a tooth until he was 10 and a half months. So....we'll see. If any teeth show up, I'll let you know!

Cohen is also a little rolling machine. He goes very easily from back to tummy, but he has yet to figure out how to get himself from his tummy back onto his back. Eventually it will come. Neither of the other two were rolling regularly at this age, so he's ahead of where they were! He loves to face out when you're holding him and see what's going on around him. He is a VERY observant little boy and tracks anything and everything that's moving around him. He loves to watch his brother and sister and really likes it when they take turns holding him. I can't say it enough - he is SUCH a great baby!

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