Had another OB appointment yesterday morning and all is still well with our little man. My appointment was at 8:50 am, so I was in and out in about ten minutes, since I was the first one in the office. No weight gain since my last appointment, which I was very happy about. Tummy was measuring 37 cms, so I've grown a bit since last time. Blood pressure was good, and the baby's heart rate was sounding beautiful and healthy as always. My GBS swab came back negative, so that was a huge answer to prayer! It means no IV while in labour, but more importantly, I'll have the option of going home after 24 hours if I want, which I do. My own bed is so much more comfortable than the hospital ones! Plus there's no nurses poking at me in the middle of the night to check my vitals if I'm home. ;)
Yay on being negative! That was my fear too... that I'd end up with an IV for the atbx.